
School Supply List

Secrest Elementary School

Supply List 2023-24

(scroll down for the Preschool list)

View list in printable format.



2 boxes 24-ct CRAYOLA crayons

1 pkg CRAYOLA colored pencils

4 Glue Sticks

1 pair Fiskars rounded scissors

1 package Magic Erasers (regular, NOT bathroom)

1 package play-doh (4 small containers)

1 CRAYOLA thin markers (girls)

1 CRAYOLA thick markers (boys)

1 box gallon size Ziploc (girls) 

1 roll paper towels (boys)

1 container Clorox wipes 

2 large Kleenex boxes

2 regular hand soap or 1 large refill

Please label the following with your child’s name:

1 large backpack 

1 pair comfortable headphones (NO earbuds, NO bluetooth headphones)

1 reusable water bottle 


Items to Label

1 Backpack 

plastic 2 pocket folders with fasteners (yellow, blue, green, and red)

1 pair pointed scissors  

1 pair of comfortable, sturdy headphones (NOT earbuds) 

1 boxes 24 CRAYOLA crayons

1 boxes 12 CRAYOLA colored pencils

1 boxes 12 CRAYOLA markers

Class Items (not labeled)

2 packs of post-it notes    

12 Ticonderoga pencils

4 Elmers glue sticks 

2 large boxes of tissues 

1 containers of Clorox wipes 

1 box of tissues


Please DO NOT send pencil sharpeners or mechanical pencils.  Items that are not labeled will be community supplies and shared with the class. Items that are labeled will be their own personal supplies. Please label outdoor items such as (hat, gloves, coat, lunch box & backpack) with your child’s name. 


4  glue sticks

1  set comfortable headphones

(no ear buds)

1 computer mouse (opt) 

1 pair of pointed scissors

2 boxes Kleenex 

2 composition notebooks

1 spiral notebook 

1 package Expo markers 

1  medium plastic pencil box

1  pkg of colored pencils

1  pkg 24 crayons

3 pocket folders

1 package post-it notes

1 small dry erase board

Clorox wipes 

Donation for class, if you’d like:

  • sidewalk chalk
  • Watercolor paint set

**Please label all coats, backpacks, hats and lunch boxes with your child’s name.


Community Supplies:

Personal Items:

Teacher’s Wish List:

12 sharpened pencils

1 package of glue sticks (4 pack)

1 pair of scissors

5 pink erasers

4 pack of highlighters

1 ruler (w/ inches & cm)

1 box sandwich size Ziploc bags

1 box gallon size Ziploc bags

2 boxes tissues

1 package of colored pencils (12 pack)

1 package of markers

1 package of crayons (24 pack)

4 thin dry erase markers (black)

2 packs of sticky notes

5 two-pocket plastic folders (1 red, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 green)

1 set of durable headphones (*not* earbuds)

1 pencil box

1 pencil sharpener with shavings 


Optional - Clorox wipes

Optional - Band-Aids

Optional - Playdough

Optional - Sidewalk chalk

View supply list with pictures (for parents)



Please provide for your student:

2  wide-ruled spiral notebooks

2  durable folders with prongs

1  sturdy earbuds/headphones

1 computer mouse (optional)

Please provide for our classroom: 

1  pkg. crayons, colored pencils, and/or washable markers

1 pkg. dry erase markers

3  boxes of tissues

1  Clorox wipes

1 box of Bandaids

1  box #2 pencils (12 ct) - sharpened

1 large pink eraser

Recorder (Music)- can reuse from last year or $5.00 to purchase (on fee schedule)

Please do not send: mechanical pencils, or Trapper Keepers.

Please do not label supplies other than the notebooks, folders, and headphones. The classroom supplies will be shared.


1 small pencil box or bag

12 pencils 

1 package of glue sticks

1 pair of scissors

1 pencil sharpener with shavings reservoir

1 package of colored pencils

1 highlighter

4 composition notebooks (Red, Yellow, Green, Blue)

4 plastic folders (Red, Yellow, Green, Blue)

2 packs of sticky notes

3-4 thick dry erase markers

1 set of durable headphones

2 boxes tissues

Optional - Clorox wipes

Optional - band-aids

Optional - 1 wireless computer mouse


Please note we request all markers be washable. The Crayola brand offers child safe washable products.

It is understood you may not be able to purchase all items on this list, and we appreciate your effort.

Crayola Classic Broad Washable Markers

Crayola Dry Erase Markers

Watercolor paint set

1 bottle liquid glue

1 package glue sticks

4pk Play-doh 

1 pencil box

Paper towels (AM Class)

Facial tissue   (PM Class)

1 package of 3oz paper cups

Please have your child bring and take home a labeled water bottle each day. 

We also ask children to have an extra set of clothing left at school in case of an accident or spill.

Note: You do not need to label supplies, as they will be shared by all students. Please bring supplies to your child’s classroom during “Back-to-School Night” or on the first day of school!